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匿名  发表于 2017-9-20 12:54:43
We've got a joint account methotrexate dose for ra  Over the years Taupin and Elton have developed a practised, if idiosyncratic, working relationship. They seldom see each other – Elton has visited Taupin’s ranch only once in all the years he’s been living there; but communicate frequently. When Elton has a new album in mind, he gets in touch. Taupin then spends two or three weeks writing lyrics, accompanying himself on guitar, which he then emails to Elton. “I used to have to fax them. It took a long time to drag this guy kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and I’m not sure he’s mastered that yet. I’m sure he has somebody print them out. But he’s got plenty of people to do it.”
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